"When I do a job, it's not my personality that I'm offering the readers but my artwork. It's not what I'm like that counts; it's what I did and how well it was done. I produce a product, a comic art story. Steve Ditko is the brand name". - Steve Ditko
Genius. Enigmatic. Reclusive. Objectivist. Individual.
Those words can be used to describe the one and only Steve Ditko, who passed away June 29th at 90 years old. He leaves behind an incredible body of work in and outside of mainstream comics. Ditko will be best remembered as part of the team of creators that forever changed the industry and ushered in the Marvel Age Of Comics. His visionary work as the co-creator (with Stan Lee) on Dr. Strange and Spider-Man are just as imaginative and powerful as they were in the 1960's. As an artist Ditko's work (as well as Jack Kirby) always left a strong impression on me, whether it was the psychedelic landscapes, the colorful surreal designs of his heroes & villains, the fluid action scenes, drama reflected through his characters expressions, and of course his use of light and shadow to create mood.
He was a true original and an enduring inspiration of individuality.